Sunday, October 19, 2008

group debate

when it comes to food and the way it is processed it is a well known fact that ppl do not want to know how the food arrived at there plate thus. the term food is good to eat but not nessisaraly good to talk about. as for animal pain and suffering although animals cannot verbally tell us they are in pain they can express alternative forms of discomfort. similar to pain is suffarign dealing with this topic is surtanly harder b/c we cannot determain the emotional aspect of an animal when pain is envolved. how can we tell if an animal is truley suffering, well the anwswer is we cant our only option is to treat an animal humainly as posible b4 its demise. as for vegitarians just because they are not part of the problem dosnt mean there part of the solution. pollan basicly states that veggies are in denail with there tactics on the matter at hand. although my group is mad up of 50 percent veggies and vegans we througly agreed with his claim.

1 comment:

dave said...

Good point. Many critters are killed when crops are planted and harvested. Also, even vegans depend on using animals--where does the natural fertilizer come from?