Sunday, November 9, 2008

spring time

kingsolver speaks about spring time in her book as a time of growth and sunlight. a quote that stuck out to me was the one she chose to begin her chapter on. April is the cruelest time of month. she later goes to explain spring fever and many other various ativities that her and her family spend during this time. similar to pollan kingsolver is knowlelgeable to a lot regarding to herbal detail. she speaks in detail about the pathogens that are in constant evolution, using plants as there hosts. kingsolver is educated and opinionated which are two ingredents that make me wonder how the rest of the book will take place.

1 comment:

dave said...

I agree. Kingsolver certainly has a way with words. I have read a couple of her novels and I enjoy her conversational style. This has even more effect when she writes about her own experiences.