Sunday, September 7, 2008


so at the begginig of the semester my freinds and i head to wall mart seems like the locical thing to do after comparing ur nessesities with your roommates and realizign that u lack well nessisary iteams. after procuring deoderant soad a razor we head to the food section were i instantly grab a bag of doritos. days later i start my college diet nothing but some good meat and salads all is well ppl say im slimmer until yesterday night were bordom took the best of me after watching half of season 2 of dexter i decide to open the bag. the bag has been my undo button if u will to rereturn to the old me before the diet and i i did. i enjoyed myself for sometime but i feel the results after my body did not respond well with the junk, stomach bloated aching. i vowed never to succum to temtation of DORITOS

1 comment:

dave said...

Ahhh, Doritos...they have been my downfall many a time. Well, as I always say, moderation is the key. A little junk food every once in a while isn't such a bad thing.